Abstract for S06

Warm Desert & Semi-Desert Woodland, Scrub & Grassland [does not occur in Canada]
Forêts ouvertes, broussailles et prairies désertiques et semi-désertiques chaudes [absentes du Canada]

Warm Desert & Semi-Desert Woodland, Scrub & Grassland occurs in dry warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical climates. Vegetation is dominated by xeromorphic growth forms, and varies from open to closed woodlands, open shrub-scrub to complexes of succulents, thornscrub, and microphyllous-leaved subshrubs, often less than 2 m tall, though scattered tall succulents may occur. Ephemeral (therophytic) herbaceous growth forms may also be present within semi-desert woodlands. Desert grasslands often occur in transitional zones, typically containing a sparse layer of xeromorphic shrubs and open ground layer. Included are very open deserts where vegetation is very sparse, and where the ground layer is sandy, stony desert pavements, salt crust (bare rock, often with nonvascular mats is placed in lithomorphic vegetation).

Source: Faber-Langendoen, D., T. Keeler-Wolf, D. Meidinger, C. Josse, A. Weakley, D. Tart, G. Navarro, B. Hoagland, S. Ponomarenko, J.-P. Saucier, G. Fults, E. Helmer. 2014. Classification and description of world formation types. Part I (Introduction) and Part II (Description of world formations). Hierarchy Revisions Working Group, Federal Geographic Data Committee, FGDC Secretariat, U.S. Geological Survey. Reston, VA, and NatureServe, Arlington, VA.

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