Abstract for CNVC00222
Abies balsamea / Pleurozium schreberi
Balsam Fir / Red-stemmed Feathermoss
Sapin baumier / Pleurozie dorée
CNVC00222 is a boreal coniferous forest Association that occurs in Quebec, on insular Newfoundland and in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It has a closed canopy dominated by balsam fir (Abies balsamea), usually with smaller components of paper birch (Betula papyrifera), white spruce (Picea glauca) and/or black spruce (P. mariana). Regeneration of these tree species, particularly balsam fir, dominates the moderately developed shrub layer. The herb layer varies from poorly to well developed, depending on subassociation, but usually includes bunchberry (Cornus canadensis), wild lily-of-the-valley (Maianthemum canadense), northern starflower (Lysimachia borealis) and yellow clintonia (Clintonia borealis). The moss layer is typically well developed and dominated by red-stemmed feathermoss (Pleurozium schreberi). CNVC00222 is most common on mesic, nutrient-medium sites in a region where the boreal climate grades from humid continental in the western part of its range to very humid, maritime-influenced in the east. It is a late successional condition that can form extensive stands where fire has been absent for a long period. Insect outbreaks and windthrow are the primary natural disturbances. The canopy gaps or large patches that result from these disturbances promote self-replacement of this Association by the release of balsam fir regeneration. There are five subassociations: typic, Hylocomium splendens, Oxalis montana, Cornus canadensis and Taxus canadensis.