Abstract for S09
Saltwater Aquatic Vegetation
Végétation aquatique d'eau salée
Saltwater Aquatic Vegetation wetlands are distinct wetlands transitional along the coast between the intertidal salt marshes or other intertidal areas, and permanent, deep water oceans. More rarely they occur in inland saline habitats. The lower limits of salinity are set at 0.5 ppt, below which it is considered freshwater. Submerged or floating-aquatic plants usually dominate the vegetation, with less than 10% of the surface water area occluded by standing emergent or woody plants. Macroalga may be common. Open surface water at a range of depths is present for all or most of the year.
Source: Faber-Langendoen, D., T. Keeler-Wolf, D. Meidinger, C. Josse, A. Weakley, D. Tart, G. Navarro, B. Hoagland, S. Ponomarenko, J.-P. Saucier, G. Fults, E. Helmer. 2014. Classification and description of world formation types. Part I (Introduction) and Part II (Description of world formations). Hierarchy Revisions Working Group, Federal Geographic Data Committee, FGDC Secretariat, U.S. Geological Survey. Reston, VA, and NatureServe, Arlington, VA.
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